The Palm Springs Photo Festival caught my eye this week because the promotional photo being used is by Large Formatist and old pal Robert Maxwell. He is one of the pre-eminent portrait photographers working today. That he combines alternative process with newer media, for me makes his accomplishments that much more exciting. I was lucky enough to assist him on and off for a few years, right after his wet plate fetish but still carrying a torch for the big camera. To say that Robert is one of the true characters of our business would be one of overwhelming understatement. If I were a betin man, I would give you odds he is Ridin surf in Southern California as we speak, but his passion for that and his lust for life in general has translated into fabulous photo essays on many of the subjects he loves . He's been able to straddle the fine art, editorial and advertising aspects quite deftly and I'm sure his speaking engagement at the show will be laced with great insight, tirades, love letters and just about anything else that pops into Bobby's head, on the subject of our business or anybody Else's business for that matter. You never know even the NYC crew may show up and get him all riled up.