So we have just under one month to go before the opening reception for my solo exhibition, Sleeping Giant | 11101 Rezoned. May 7th has been slated for the event, which runs through June 19th, at FXFowle Gallery in NYC.
At the start of this taking photos as a career business, it is in the back of ones mind that one day your work may be seen hanging on a wall somewhere, with the right people musing and nodding their heads in appreciation of the images you broke your heart creating. It rarely seems to work out that way, as photography, just like most everything in life, is a lot of hard work, and actually paying the bills gets in the way of this great affection for your artistry. But Sleeping Giant has been an interesting journey so far, because at the start of this project the ultimate objective was possibly a show. Well low and behold an objective in photography attained. The hallelujah chorus comes after the opening I'm sure. The project itself has been reasonably smooth sailing to this point. Conception-shooting- printing- Blurb Book- to the Noguchi Museum here in NYC, picking it up for their book store. But the production of this show seems as hard as any commissioned job. I have seen friends and other artists get gobbled up in negotiating the time frame it takes from signing the contract to getting everything on the wall, so I have bee trying to timetable this down to the nth degree. You are of course relying on many other people to come through for you as opposed to running the whole shoot yourself. With Printers, Matters, Framers, Galleries, Cards, you have to be so ahead of the curve. Add in a little Murphy's Law for good measure, and this thing will creep up on your ass, and quick. Next thing you know, its heeere. One thing you learn when your shooting on the road or in the studio is be prepared. The arse will fall out of everything now and again but if you know this, the surprises aren't so...surprising. I have also been good about reaching out to people. Asking for help is not my forte but everyone I've asked has been more than willing to help the cause and it as been a great comfort to know people have your back. So major shout out to, Steve West at Moma, George LaCovera at Atelia4, Clint Downing at Downing Frames, Ken Allen at Ken Allen Studios, Aaron Rezny and of course the good people at FX Fowle, Brien and Andrea who as we get closer to the day will be sick and tired of me.
At this point all the prints are made. They are being mounted as we speak and will then go the framer, with about 2 weeks to go before the show goes up, all should be complete. That's the plan but I am absolutely positive one of these places will burn to the ground, sorry guys I prey not, and leave me holding the bag with a couple of days left to fix it all.
So if you hear a howl through the blogisphere in the next three weeks I'm sure it will probably be me, screaming at the photo Gods for playing such a shitty joke on me, but until that part of Murphy's Law raises it ugly head, its full steam ahead to May 7th.