This sounds hysterical and really fun, if you are about twenty.
"Gallery HD and Illuminations Media are looking for two Fearless, Charismatic, Intelligent, Sassy, Witty, Passionate & Informed ARTISTS to take the definitive chutzpah road trip.
Two Artist/Art Racers must cross the US in 40 days, surviving only on Art. Armed with art materials, cameras, and a $1 dollar budget, the Artist/Art Racers must "trade" art for food, shelter and other art-works.
Starting on opposite coasts (one in NYC, one in LA), the Artist/Art Racers' odyssey culminates in a home-city exhibition of all the works they have created and collected along the way. The winner is the Artist/Art Racer who sells/trades the most artwork. Or at least the one who survives.
No prior on-camera experience required but must be a Great Communicator who interacts well with all types of people in all sorts of situations and can make smart commentary as life happens.
If this is you, please submit the following ASAP to:
--recent photo (not older than 6 months)
--bio or resume
--sample of your art (photo reproductions okay)
--short essay explaining why you are an Art Racer
--be sure to include your full name, phone number and city you currently live in.
hard copy submissions to:
Barbara Barna Casting
249 Smith Street PMB 122
Brooklyn, NY 11231
Art Racers must live in the greater New York City/tri-state area, be at least 21 years old and a US citizen or legal alien resident.
ART RACE shoots May 26 - July 11 for appx 40 days on the road + up to 5 add'l shoot days & voice over.
The production company is Illuminations Media UK
ART RACE will air on Gallery HD in the US --
• Location: New York City
• Compensation: $25K flat
• Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
• Please, no phone calls about this job!
• Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests."
Friday, April 18, 2008
After the furor over APE's choice of to use Flickr as his tool for his showcase, I came up against some of the same Flickr discrimination myself last week. After meeting a very nice photographer at the Blindspot auction, I emailed him some images based on a conversation we had on regards to alternative process. I sent him a number of images of mine using Flickr. Private, only he could see them, but he emailed me back and from the tenor of his comment was shocked and quite perturbed, that I would take the time to shoot 8x10 but then put them on Fkickr. We joked back and forth about it, but the underlying feeling was that this tool was so beneath me, I should be ashamed to be seen in its company. I was a little dismayed at this but it made me read over the Jackanory's comments about the resentment in some quarters to Rob using this program. What are people thinking? Its reminds me of the hue and cry on Photoshop's arrival."No way, I shoot everything in camera" Wonder if those guys are still saying that today. ITS A TOOL PEOPLE. Use it accordingly. Use your noggins. Nobody has to know you have stuff up on it. There are plenty of times when I need to put something together fast, other than my website for a potential client. You have another tool to show them work, that may tip the scales in your favor, great, thanks. Personally I think clients couldn't care less, they have a lot more shit to think about than Flickr. Use it for what it is and move on. Lets get pass this to more pressing and interesting subjects, like ......Polidori in Versailles. Now where's Soth when you need him?
Fine Art,
large format,
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
HAIRCUT HAIKU from laurena
"no way about your hair!
is that a recent cut?
and do you think you have enough hair?
that is not your hair
did you get a blow out?
now i really have to see you."
is that a recent cut?
and do you think you have enough hair?
that is not your hair
did you get a blow out?
now i really have to see you."
Friday, April 11, 2008
Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Found these sitting in drawer, with tons of other chromes, with the tag TO BE SCANNED. Never got to it, till now. I'm glad I did. How many of these do all of us have sitting in boxes, just that bit to busy to get to them. You happened to be in the right place, right time for nature to give you a private display but your working on a project and these just don't fit in, so they get relegated to some obscure part of the office, only to be happened upon years later. Happens to us all. These kind of finds make me happy.
Click on to enlarge
Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I saw this image and story, "ON FRIGID CELTIC WAVES" in the Times on Thursday and couldn't help but laugh. I Love the photo but the incongruous nature of Ireland and surfing makes me howl. Isn't everyones idea of surfing somewhere between Frankie & Annette and Big Wednesday. This is the home I left because the unemployment line trailed from one end of the country to the other, now scads of people are coming with the highest of techie surf gear, hangin' ten, checkin' the gnarly surf in the most remote regions. Well done. It takes a brave soul to go to Bundorran at the best of times, look at that image , doesn't that look fun. Glad to see the rain still keeping its word, that no matter what sport you take up it will be a willing partner
NOTHING IS FREE, and if it is, is it worth it?
1,314 photographers saw something last week and did something about it. Not to disparage our cities surveillance advertising, but that was some turnout for Rob " A Photo Editor". Now all we have to do is wait for Rob's decree and in the process do like CNN or MSNBC and break down the social experiment aspect of the whole schbang till we are blue in the face. But seriously, it was very interesting to see who showed up for the dance and why. There were some old names I hadn't seen in a while, quite surprising. Plenty of names that were not familiar at all, but it was what people decided to show, not who, that was so interesting.... actually confounding. Andrew Hetherington wrote about taking part in the experiment and what he felt were the ups and downs of such an exercise, all of it I felt was really pertinent to how we behave as professionals in our business. Sometimes our business feels like high school, not quite professional, but what you gonna do . What I found mystifying is how people made their decisions on what to show. Over and over people put up images that had no real connection to the work on their websites. What in heavens name is that about. Yes its Flickr but do you really think that someone editing is going to pour over your trip to Italy, even though you shoot high end Still life in the real world. Get a grip. Have people learned nothing from reading these blogs in regards to producing and submitting coherent bodies of work? Some people decided to partake but made the images private, isn't the whole idea for people to see your work, or is it only the right sort of people are given the privilege. And then some people sent their images to Rob via email so as not to dain mixing with the Flickr riff raff. Egalitarian my ass. Maybe its the free aspect, I would like to talk to someone at PDN and asked them if a $40.00 entry fee makes any difference. I don't mean to be doggin anyone in particular here but if I read one more blog about how hard it is to find work and how can we get in the door, and this is how the business responds to a free "get in the door", well. Lets hope it turns out to be what it truly was supposed to be, but as they say the proof will be in the pudding. I am excited to see the outcome but I'm positive we will not have heard the last of this once the envy'd list is revealed
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