An exciting week coming up for a good friend. Composer Philip Glass will be heading to Hollywoodland next Sunday, Feb 25th, as the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has once again nominated him for Achievement in music written for motion pictures. Academy Award to you and me. Nominated before for Kundun and The Hours, this time its for his score of the Richard Eyre film 'Notes on a Scandel' with Judy Dench and Cate Blanchett. Here's hoping Phil returns with the hardware. On a weightier note his on going
Tibet House concert series renews the next night, Feb 26th at Carnegie Hall. Redeyeing it back with his grab bags in tow, Philip will lead for the 17th time a collection of music's finest in a celebration of the Tibetan new year, and its culture. This year artists include Michael Stipe, Deboarh Harry, Ray Davies, and Iceland's own Sigor Ros, certainly worth the price of admission on their own.I have been very lucky the past few years to be invited to the rehearsal the day before the concert and everyone was kind enough to indulge me my 8x10
Poloroids Tickets are still available at the box office and of course its a very worthy cause.